Wednesday, November 01, 2006
d@ b3g1nN!ng 0f mY 4th mOntH iN !nDiA
was sick on sunday..woke up dizzy..felt nausea later in the afternoon..threw up in the evening..slept..woke up at dinner time feeling so much better..fever hadnt subside..skipped monday morning class..felt nausea in the evening again after gulping down 2 glasses of juice...hahaha..slept again..woke up feeling perfectly fine!! wut a speedy recovery..but there goes my sunday n monday..
it's ok..i got to sleep so well without setting my alarm clock..haha..
i start disliking the food already..i really hav no appetite seeing all these orange or red colour became worse after i fell sick..i've lose enough of weight..i want to eat more..but wut can i eat?
1st internals are coming soon...PHYSIOLOGY 23rd November..ANATOMY is around news..gotta study hard..anyone sees me roaming online..pls remind me of studying k..hahaha..
have to study well for biochem tutorial this week..the PG wants us to go the the front n teach the class..if u cant do it u lose ur attendance..?! fat guy...u wait n see..!! i wont let u do that..dont think u r that great..!!
oh no..wut's wrong with me..i enjoyed dissection? until the extent that i dreamt about going for dissection class? haha..may the cadavers bless me in my exams..muahaha...
Sunday, September 10, 2006
~ I'm Back !! ~ now in belgaum, india..jawaharlal nehru medical college..the only best thing they have in this college is the musical fountain in front of the college..does anyone out there c a reason y is there a musical fountain in a medical college? i have no idea...but the fountain n the garden is really really nice..
ok..about studies..ppl here study day n night..n everywhere..n they are really weird..the gals ask us not to go for class..n the reason guys are going..n they are so afraid of attending tutorials if they din prepare well and will escape at the last minute before lecturer came juz bcoz they feel embarrassed if they cant answer it perfectly..they are not able to show that they are smart...n not becoz they are afraid of being scolded for not was hard for me to swallow the food..wut was it? hmm..dahl..yogurt (indian yogurt)..n wut eva.. after that..fine...start liking the's all vegetarian..only on wednesday we get eggs n chickens on sundays...but after one month..i feel so sick by looking at the food...aiyoh...everyday same!!! i want nasi lemak.. i want sushi.. i want loh mee... i want... roti canai...i don want capati everyday... aih...
im so sleepy..there are so much that i want to tell..but i juz dunno how to organize them..aih..forget bout it..tell u guys when we chat on msn or yahoo ..
my address is CH-02, Akkamahadevi International Ladies Hostel, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Campus, Nehru Nagar, Belgaum 590 010, Karnataka. my number is +91 99864 96389. write to me or send me msg yah...
(yawning)..i think i gotta go...cant open my eyes at all...
oh ya..about pictures..i'l post it elsewhere..something like a photo bucket or photo album...any suggestion? thanks..
take care..
Friday, July 14, 2006
- t ! t L 3 -
had my first try out this morning..added my MSN contact in yahoo messenger..and started talking to myself..
wanted to try adding other friends..but no one seem to be can only experiment it..oh..nono..not experiment..i mean..experience it by this way..

was playing badminton with sis at my house compound n mom was watering the plants...and she called out to us...
" hey...come n see this two fellas.."
we went over..and guess was grasshopper papa n grasshopper mama..(ehem)..they were..(ehem)..
i quickly grabbed my camera and start snapping pictures of this 'live show'..
well..cant take video..coz it is quite boring there wasnt any movements..hehe..
by the way..realised tat my photo-taking skill is not good enough..or should i say..not good at all..
i need a master..who can be my sifu..
or is it because my camera has only 4.0 mega pixels so the pics i took don look too nice..haha..excuses..

and is SO LAME to keep using the phrase SO LAME..
but im using it for the sake of beeing SO LAME..
well..have been crapping a lot in my recent posts..should be more knowledgable next time..
im already 19+ ..have to act like 20..haha..
don wanna be the LAME school gal who talks a lot of nonsence anymore..
(wut a NATO!)
Friday, July 07, 2006
- mY 1st K@kUr0 gAm3 -
well, Kakuro is my new fren..he is Sudoku's brother..
Sudoku is also my fren..i used to be very fond of him..sometime in sem-2..i spent my study-time to play with Sudoku..he is so attractive..i juz cant stop enjoying my time with him..until Tonnes-of-Assignments forced me to leave Sudoku..i had to tell him.."Sorry, i guess this is not the right time.."
Since then, Sudoku is left alone when i was drowned by studies, assignments and all sorts of troubles that kept me away from Sudoku.
It was only after my 3rd sem finals that i chuck Sudoku into my bag whenever i go out..but i never take him out and start my new life with him..i know he is in my bag..but i just forget (perhaps) that i have him..maybe he is not attractive anymore..
And one day, Ruby told me about Kakuro--Sudoku's brother..Ruby told me that Kakuro is far more challenging n exciting than Sudoku..
(cool..sounds interesting..)
i decided to find out how attractive this Kakuro i searched for him at Google..i typed k-a-k-u-r-o..and then i chosed, believing that this address will link me to his official website..
i read about Kakuro to know more about wut Ruby said..Kakuro is indeed more charming than Sudoku..i wanted to try him...but never dare to introduce myself to I was afraid that Sudoku might get i don want to be a two-timer..
However, Kakuro keep appearing in my dreams, occupying my mind..i cant resist the temptation anymore.. so i went to again today n had a wonderful date with Kakuro..
As i am still not familiar with Kakuro, it took me some time to get to know him and understand him order to dominate him..i have to be patient and train harder..
our date today lasted for slightly more than 30 minutes..i hope i am able to make our date brief in the future..
coz..the shorter the time, the better i m..right?
This is a picture of Kakuro and I on our first date.. I am so happy that i manage to try him out and complete him...muahaha...

well, if u dont believe me..try him out urself..Kakuro will give you great satisfaction if u manage to solve him..
*anyway, the gal who dated Kakuro has gone slightly mad due to some unknown reason..that's why she is crapping here..*
Sunday, June 18, 2006
* that's the end of foundation in medical sciences *
M E R D E K A !!!!
lazy to write much now...
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
- tH3 uN+!tL3d -
final exam is juz 2 weeks away..yet..lecturers are still giving us assignments..i juz don understand y do u all like to give us assignments during the most hectic time..when we were free before mid semester why didnt u all give us some...y dont u all juz equalize the workload throughout the whole sem? ok..nth to complain..becoz we are so used to the last-minute-spirit of yours..right? big deal..i'll juz do it..for the sake of doing..since you all are giving us all these for the sake of giving..arent you? nvm..nvm..i know u all well..
what is playing in my mind.. just so unpredictable..or should i say..mysterious..
well..unpredictable life is does no harm to me...
but..ppl..mysterious..hmm..yah..mysterious..when u tot u know them well..but they turn out to give u lots of question marks about themselves.. m i going to say this?
to the one who i want you to know..
i want you to know that..
-i care, we care, n everyone cares for u
-i m, we are, n everyone is worried bout u
-sometimes..we..or maybe juz u know whether wut u r doing right now is right?
-sometimes..we..or maybe juz i..wonder..r u doing wut u r doing right now willingly?
-sometimes..we..or maybe juz i..wonder..wut is the main priority to u now?
-sometimes..we..or maybe juz i..wonder..r u still awake..just like u say u had?
-sometimes..we..or maybe juz feel that i m a busy body for bothering so much
-but somehow..i don understand..if what u do is nth wrong..y is there opposition by so many ppl?
-but just seem to be not right? or is it juz my wrong perception?
-but somehow..our priorities seem to have differed from each others..
i wish to get all my doubts answered..but can u give me a clear answer? or do u hav the answer to urself?
may god bless u..may our worries n concern..can be transformed into a protection to shield over u...
Saturday, May 13, 2006
~ tH3 pLe@$uRe oF L0v!nG ~ today's society..the disabled are those who need the most help from ppl like us.. they need love n care..especially from normal ppl who are able to lend them a hand when they need it badly..some ppl have the concept that : i have better things to do than helping u coz i gain nth from u... aih..this is saddening..u can don help if u don want to but u cannot look down on them..u r hurting them.. they r also human..they are juz like us..they are also made of flesh n blood..they are juz our brothers..they are juz part of us.. im not asking everyone to be selfless..but..if we really want to with our sincere heart but dont help for the sake of getting kudos.. n dont help them with the attitude that shows that they are so them like u help ur brother or help ur respect them...
juz put urself in their shoes..wut if u r juz like them? have anyone ever thought of that.. n also..we never day..they might turn out to be the one helping us with all their might..they do have their abilities.. do love them.. like u love ur siblings..everyone is a gift from one is specially special... we are all the same..
well, spending 3 days in the school, we realised that..the kids may not be physically or mentally as normal as the school kids outside..but they are much more friendlier and kind-hearted..y is it so? answer unknown..but they are adorable.. many of them will keep calling us "kakak"! "kakak"! n start chatting with us...they are so boy even send us flying sure they like visitors.. and they show their love to anyone...since they can love y cant we?
alright..what did we do in these 3 days? basically sketching n painting murals...more n more came to help over the days..n we hav got one wall completed..nothing special happened but we did enjoy ourselves...especially when it rained n we had to wait for it to stop... lazy to tell much here...let the pictures do their job...

the boys enjoyed posing when we snapped their pics..
n there's this gal who invited me into her classroom (her teacher was inside!) n wanted to take sweet of her..
the children practising for their sports day..the boy was trying to sit on the balloon..but he was to small that the chair slided off..luckily his teacher managed to grab him..

haha..a small kitten likes liongy so much..keep going to him..n liongy keep backing off..n teck pei seems to sayang the meow meow so much...but i think the kitty still likes liongy more..haha..

thanks to jien yeen, sher, tas, yentsen for making the stencil..sorry n thanks to benita n jos coz the one u guys help to make cant be used..blame me for bad planning..sorry yo..
thanks to iggy,liongy,tas for spraying the oath on the wall..first 2 lines was spoiled by erin..kaka..
teck pei me hold the ladder lah..y posing with the umbrella..if i fall the paint will go on ur head u know..
boys n gals busy painting..thank u everyone..

photo session after the hardwork..
n thanks to the entertainers..clownie n moo-moo (not in the pic)..
erin with the moo-moo's rabbit ears..
Sunday, May 07, 2006
^ h@v i cHanGeD 0r h@v ! nOt ^
ok..anyway..i realised i juz don know myself lately..kinda hard for me to say that out..but i juz wish i can go to another new world..i no longer want to stay at the situation like this right now..
Monday, April 17, 2006
- dA c@mP -
however, we are quite curious about their main motif of sending us to the camp..coz some sentimental racial issues are brought up..not by us but by the fasciliatators themselves..and in certain aspects..their ways of thinking is kinda extreme..hmm...dont wanna talk much bout it here... anyway..i juz hope that the way i see things like this all this while is not fact..a lot of us have positive perception on the nation...but we just dont understand why they might have thought we are not.. confusing yet..unexplainable..
k...forget bout this... well..did have some fun at the camp..altho my muscles are still aching after the 2km run at the was not bad actually..i know i don hav stamina..haha..but anyway..i completed the run..not the fastest but not the slowest though.. the best part is...i did wasn't scarry as i thought it would is so much less thrilling than roller coasters or solero shot..haha...n i did it twice..wanted to try walking down "horizontally" from the 10 metres high-tower like demonstrated by the coach...but they didnt allow me to do so coz i muz at least do the normal sliding down for 10 times before i can "walk" down... we didn't hav the chance to try out flying fox due to the rain and some maintenance work need to be done on the things...
5 days camping + 1 day holiday..back to college tml..gonna be exhausted with the hectic life's a routine...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
like this poem very much...for a reason unknown...
do hope wutever decision i made n will make, i will be blessed with success and no hitch...
though, every circumstances in life has the force of making us realise and learn, and thus, grow...
im looking forward to my life ahead...
do i sound like tomorrow is too unpredicatable? i feel funny of myself.. haha [>.<]
Thursday, April 06, 2006

do visit wei fu's blog n listen to what he says about our beloved mr hwong seng...
Saturday, April 01, 2006
# aPr!L Fo0Ls d@Y #
never thought of playing pranks on people...i think the last time i did was during form 5...i exchanged 2 of my frens' school bag...coz they have the same bag...well...i was notty at tat time...n i think i m always notty...but right now...there r much more important things in my life that has to be be notty...coz being notty takes time...haha...
however...i m fooled today...totally unexpected...i forgot that...even if i dont plan to trick others...others will do that to me...haha...i m fooled by one of my best frens n her bf...saying that they broke up...hmph...made me so worry...
hun wen n kent... both of u r damn good in acting lah...have fun...
happy april fools day everyone..!!!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
@.@ n0tH!nG Int3R3stInG @.@
Thursday, March 16, 2006
- i M a LazY iDioT -
Monday, February 27, 2006
~ 小 品 一 则 ~
Sunday, February 26, 2006
[ tH3 mAk!nG 0f *STITCH* ]

yo yo yo..i think this is one of the best things i did during this's a STITCH mask...haha...
first of all..thank to my sis for bothering me to help her make a mask for her art lesson...everytime i come back home from shah alam..she would never let me rest..forcing me to do her drawing...colouring...wutever homework...argh...if i dont do for her..she'll yell...n scream...n throw her tantrum...this is the privilege of being the youngest...
but this time..i offer to help her to make a mask...she wants a princess mask...but i say she's prettier than the princess i can draw..haha...wanted to draw her a clown but she doesnt want..she wants a winnie the not good in drawing pooh bear ler...then i saw this stitch keychain n decided to make a stitch mask...i used to like lilo n stitch so i got so excited...i cant hesitate to make a i set to work immediately...
first...i draw this monster...never tried drawing it...n oops...i din know that it looks quite a real after i color it...
for the coloring part...i have to mix the blue with a few blue color cant give the real stitch color...haha...the ear too..i mixed pink with light mask is 1 hour's time...
feel so proud of myself...first time coming out with such a piece of ''product''...great satisfaction...wakaka...
as for the last pic..i need to do some explanation...i did the mask for my i measure her head lah..then i decided to make another one for her n keep this for head is too big to fit in...or a matter of fact my head is big ...juz like wut MR FATTY TEH likes to's y the last pic looks so weird n out of place...
if i m free...i might make lilo...n wut else can i make..any suggestion?
Thursday, February 23, 2006
^*^ gRe3nErY + $uNL!ghT = nAtUr3 ^*^

well..Botanical Gardens is a place worth going to me..never regret waking up early in the morning to accompany my mom first i was so reluctant..feeling so sleepy n want to hug my darling pillow longer..anyway..i managed to grab my camera n went in the car to continue my sleep..hehe.. was so cooling n refreshing in the garden..surrounded by green plants n colorful flowers..everything is juz too beautiful..every corner has its own beauty n uniqueness..
the moment i like best is when the sunlight shines through the shades of leaves..leaving shadows on the ground..morning sun is real is is gentle..all i could find here is..tranquility... my camera has to wake up to work for me..took lots n lots of photographs..i wonder..will ppl think that this gal is silly..taking picture here n if never seen flowers n leaves before.. (=.=) haha..
photos taken when there is sunlight n when there is not do make big me..i prefer sunlight..coz the photos will look more lively..n it symbolizes the beginning of a beautiful n energetic day...
next time...i wish to stay all day long in botanical that i can see the differences of the plants at different hours..different angle of the shadows when the intensity of sunlight changes...
flowers are do the leaves..n the sunlight..they create the beauty of nature..which is the root of all's life is beautiful too.. (*v*)
i want to go around the visit all the beautiful different can be a im sure it has its own beauty..coz it's part of the Mother Nature...whose beauty will never fade...

bumble bee at work...flying from flower to flower..collecting nectar..look..this pic is a bit dull coz i'v blocked the sunlight when taking this photo...

there's another discovery in the gardens..a silly panda found her favourite bamboo..n wanted to chew up all the leaves..but was caught red handed by the gardener..with this photo as the evidence..panda oh panda..wut a day..
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
* gOng x! fA Ca! *
well..wut had i been doing lately? practically..not much..same old routine...go to
oh ya..been to tanjung karang for a homestay cum community service thingy..the best thing i enjoyed there is cycling ..cycling an old bicycle with baskets in front n at the if i m selling's really fun to go around the kampung on a bicycle..altho it cant go fast like motocycles..but it is still faster than walking..n wut i gain after cycling is...more melanin pigment...hehehe...
but one thing which i regret is...i din bring my i cant take nice pictures... :( that's the saddest thing...i cant capture the pictures of the nice orchids in my foster mom's house n also the nice river running down along the road i cycle.. mid sem results are out...i hav nth to say bout my results coz i din put in effort...i hav to admit this...but i think i m quite lucky to get ''considered not bad'' results lah...anyway i must not depend too much on luck...i muz work harder harder get results that come from my own more last minute work loh...reminding myself everyday...but because it is chinese new year right now...too much distraction lah...haha...the toughest subject is anatomy i guess...lecturer is going so to catch goodness...aih...nvm...18 february is not too far...finals will be over soon...
getting sleepy d...dunno wut m i typing here...gong xi fa cai lah everybody...whoever is married...give me angpow yo...nothing interesting to share with u guys here this time...bye...
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
< A s+oRy tO Sh@Re w!Th Ev3rYoNe >
Days and weeks passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you."
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* f R ! e N d S h I p *
"friendship forever" plain, simple, always seen in autographs, n meaningful. many must have meaningful is it?
everyone wishes to really keep in contact or rather never part with frens when they enjoy the moment they cherish together. yet, at this age, after we graduate from high school n go to different places to further our studies n to realise our dreams, we have to leave our old frens and meet new frens. when everyone is busy with their own new lives, they tend to forget their old frens. no...the word 'forget' shouldnt be used...should say it in a better way...they r juz too busy to remember at certain pls dont blame them...
when frens seldom keep in contact eventho they promised to do so...they dont really mean that they don want to keep in touch with each other...some might think that..." oh...he or she muz have forgotten me " or " he or she might have his or her own new frens it doesnt matter if i don remember her as i m happy with my own new frens now too "...excuse me...pls dont think this long as you were once will never change until matter how new or old friends are...they last forever...
apart from that, dont ever ask wut hav ur frens given often or how willing are they to help much hav they sacrificed for u...dont judge ur frens by the level of happiness they can bring to u...ask urself...hav u given ur frens ur most precious smile....hav u always been helping them when they need much hav u sacrificed for them n how successful are u in making them happy all the time...dont demand everything from anyone u call them frens...nor leave them if they dont meet ur expectations....coz u would never know when would u need their help...
the reason i wish to bring this up tonight is...i wish to let everyone that i know knows...eventhough i might have forgotten ur name...eventhough i might have forgotten how u look matter are u my acquaintance or my fren...u r always in my mind...i might not contact u often...or i dont even hav ur contact numbers to keep in touch with u...i will still remember u...although we wont have chance to meet anymore...
to all my kindergarten ( too young??? i still remember some), primary school, secondary schools, colleges, RC, YCA, KMK friends.... everyone n everyone who i had said HI before...we are always frens...u are always someone who had once left footprints in my all my wishes go to u all every now n then...
wut i want to say here is...i don mind if u all are too busy to drop a hi to me...coz everyone is busy with their own matter where u are...juz take good care of yourself...which is the best way to tell me that u r fine...hope everyone can understand that...ur frens are busy with their own they might not be able to send u greetings...don blame them if they forget ur birthdays...or they never express their concern to u... because sometimes...we ourselves forget to do so too...
juz remember...anyone out there...(not including strangers who i never known).. u r always in my heart...i will always be your friend...
Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
Monday, January 09, 2006
-- eXam !S oVeR --
but since it is now over let it be...anyway...have to make sure i stop fooling around...muz work harder for the next 'SEMi'ester...hey remind me often k? coz i juz realised that life is beautiful...n im in a happy mood that's y i m relaxing....coz i m so glad i can have a happy life to enjoy...(isnt this a lame excuse?)...aiyah...don care lah...let me enjoy myself to the fullest for these few days before i go back to college...hahaha...
oh back in penang now...went straight to pudu station to take bus back right after exam...n i m back in my home sweet home...yeah...back at home wut have i's the most suitable time to eat n sleep right now...but i didnt...i had been spending my time online to read about PANDAs...yoohoo...pandas are really really cute...i love them so nice if i have a chance to volunteer in sichuan wolong giant panda research centre...i really muz go there one day...dont mind spending my entire life there too...
oops...daydreaming again...but i really want to see with them...feed cute...i dont mind if they bully me also...haha...
ok...back to reality...seriously...i must not enjoy too much more month to go before finals...n this time we have more chapters to cover...last sem...we were wondering whether can they make it...but this time...we need not ask...they can definitely finish the syllabus in time...we are the ones who need to put in more no time to lose...ganbatte kudasai erin...ganbatte kudasai everyone...
well...well...well...i dunno whether is it suitable to say this or not...hmmm...ok nvm...anyway...striving for one's goal is important...gaining success is definitely a great satisfaction...but i think...if everyone helps each other...strives together...the success that we gained together will be more meaningful...isnt it so...aiyah...i dunno how to express wut i want to how how? man is an island...we survive because of others too...especially students like us who are away from helping each other is a good chance to help ourselves too...aiyah...okok...just dont be so self-centred and care for urself and be so for others too...coz we always need other ppls help although it can be indirect...or perhaps...sometimes we juz dunno that we are being self-centred and selfish?
i dont think i get my point myself...dunno how to express myself...time to sleep i guess...
hopefully everyone can live a happy life n live in for everyone altho they are neither ur closest family member nor ur closest fren...
Sunday, January 01, 2006
(^.^) *~h@pPy 2006~* (^.^)
on the very first day of the very first week of the very first month of this year...i've created myself a own bloggie...haha.. :> very very happy n excited indeed...haha...(sounds very sampat eh?)
looking back to the year has been a meaningful n memorable year for me...i've learnt and gone through many many things...that make me more ''mature''..haha..whatever i've learnt...whatever i've gained...whatever i've enjoyed...i really appreciate it...'s normal for us to encounter all the ups and downs in important thing is...we have to accept it...and appreciate it no matter how good or bad the situation is....everything happens for a reason...whether is it good or depends on how u see it...
being a more ''mature'' person in a whole new year...everything will be good, happy, wonderful, awesome for me...may the world is filled with peace and happiness...
lastly...thanks to all my family and friends and whoever that i know...thanks for all the support and help and care throughout 2005...without u all...there wont be me, being able to see this world as a beautiful u all...
let's enjoy this whole new year together...all the very best to everyone in this world...
~welcome to my bloggie~