today's society..the disabled are those who need the most help from ppl like us.. they need love n care..especially from normal ppl who are able to lend them a hand when they need it badly..some ppl have the concept that : i have better things to do than helping u coz i gain nth from u... aih..this is saddening..u can don help if u don want to but u cannot look down on them..u r hurting them.. they r also human..they are juz like us..they are also made of flesh n blood..they are juz our brothers..they are juz part of us.. im not asking everyone to be selfless..but..if we really want to with our sincere heart but dont help for the sake of getting kudos.. n dont help them with the attitude that shows that they are so them like u help ur brother or help ur respect them...
juz put urself in their shoes..wut if u r juz like them? have anyone ever thought of that.. n also..we never day..they might turn out to be the one helping us with all their might..they do have their abilities.. do love them.. like u love ur siblings..everyone is a gift from one is specially special... we are all the same..
well, spending 3 days in the school, we realised that..the kids may not be physically or mentally as normal as the school kids outside..but they are much more friendlier and kind-hearted..y is it so? answer unknown..but they are adorable.. many of them will keep calling us "kakak"! "kakak"! n start chatting with us...they are so boy even send us flying sure they like visitors.. and they show their love to anyone...since they can love y cant we?
alright..what did we do in these 3 days? basically sketching n painting murals...more n more came to help over the days..n we hav got one wall completed..nothing special happened but we did enjoy ourselves...especially when it rained n we had to wait for it to stop... lazy to tell much here...let the pictures do their job...

the boys enjoyed posing when we snapped their pics..
n there's this gal who invited me into her classroom (her teacher was inside!) n wanted to take sweet of her..
the children practising for their sports day..the boy was trying to sit on the balloon..but he was to small that the chair slided off..luckily his teacher managed to grab him..

haha..a small kitten likes liongy so much..keep going to him..n liongy keep backing off..n teck pei seems to sayang the meow meow so much...but i think the kitty still likes liongy more..haha..

thanks to jien yeen, sher, tas, yentsen for making the stencil..sorry n thanks to benita n jos coz the one u guys help to make cant be used..blame me for bad planning..sorry yo..
thanks to iggy,liongy,tas for spraying the oath on the wall..first 2 lines was spoiled by erin..kaka..
teck pei me hold the ladder lah..y posing with the umbrella..if i fall the paint will go on ur head u know..
boys n gals busy painting..thank u everyone..

photo session after the hardwork..
n thanks to the entertainers..clownie n moo-moo (not in the pic)..
erin with the moo-moo's rabbit ears..
hey!!!d picz r dam nice.... wish cud do more 4 them....ppl dun c d use n our priority of doin this...jus pray n wish that those who dun come 4ward 2 help save thier commments 2themselves... coz i tink tey have no right 2 do it.....2 d team who was willin 2 help in any way>>>all i can say is..THANK YOU SOSO MUCH....
thanks teck pei..wong..sher..jien yeen..ruby..erin..liongy..yen tsen..n ya..our faithful driver iggy using aaron's car!!!hehe..
thanks all..
hope this bcomes a sucess on tue....
thnks all..
frens alwis...
thank ya taswin... no sweat. friends always... i will keep the night of 15/5/2006 in my mind...
no sweat la.... sweat..was thinking of come? coz mascot..*blur*
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