Thursday, September 08, 2011

India and Peace?

A terrorist bombing.
A 4.2 quake.
Both happened in Delhi.
On the same day.
7 September 2011.

Hope all my friends and their family are safe in Delhi.
And also hope that nothing shall hinder my trip to North.

Please say a prayer for India.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Finally (almost)

Despite being in India for 5 years, I have yet to visit Taj Mahal.
In fact, when I was awarded my scholarship to pursue medicine in India, I had doubts. I was reluctant because in my opinion, India is overcrowded, dirty, smelly, etc etc.

I still remember I was sitting in the lecture hall in Kedah Matriculation College. I was not in the mood to attend lecture (such an emo teenager back then). When the lecturer started the class, her desktop wallpaper showed up on the projector screen. 

It was a magnificent picture of Taj Mahal which left me in awe.

Immediately I shook my friend who was sitting next to me and told her, "That's it! I am going to India. Because I want to go to Taj Mahal."

That was how I made up my mind to study in India.

Now that I am almost done with my degree here, I still haven't set foot at one of the wonders of the world.

But I'm on my way. Currently in the planning phase. Hopefully my dreams come true next month.