yo yo yo..i think this is one of the best things i did during this holiday...it's a STITCH mask...haha...
first of all..thank to my sis for bothering me to help her make a mask for her art lesson...everytime i come back home from shah alam..she would never let me rest..forcing me to do her drawing...colouring...wutever homework...argh...if i dont do for her..she'll yell...n scream...n throw her tantrum...this is the privilege of being the youngest...
but this time..i offer to help her to make a mask...she wants a princess mask...but i say she's prettier than the princess i can draw..haha...wanted to draw her a clown but she doesnt want..she wants a winnie the pooh...aiyah...im not good in drawing pooh bear ler...then i saw this stitch keychain n decided to make a stitch mask...i used to like lilo n stitch so much...so i got so excited...i cant hesitate to make a mask...so i set to work immediately...
first...i draw this monster...never tried drawing it...n oops...i din know that it looks quite a real after i color it...
for the coloring part...i have to mix the blue with a few blue crayons...one color cant give the real stitch color...haha...the ear too..i mixed pink with light lilac...haha...my mask is done...in 1 hour's time...
feel so proud of myself...first time coming out with such a piece of ''product''...great satisfaction...wakaka...
as for the last pic..i need to do some explanation...i did the mask for my sis...so i measure her head lah..then i decided to make another one for her n keep this for myself...so...my head is too big to fit in...or perhaps...as a matter of fact my head is big ...juz like wut MR FATTY TEH likes to say...so...tat's y the last pic looks so weird n out of place...
if i m free...i might make lilo...n wut else can i make..any suggestion?
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